Providing resources and support to the underserved
men, women, and youth in our community.

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Your gift supports at-risk youth and families
As concerned members of the local business community, we encourage local companies to donate to Pathway From Boys To Men, Inc. by providing groceries or monetary gifts to help our nonprofit serve the communities in the Inland Empire.

These donations will help with other local leaders who are making a tangible expression of concern for our community and offer a lasting investment, contributing to the greater good. With the assistance of local businesses, donations, and sponsor support, Pathway From Boys To Men, Inc. has been able to provide housing assistance for nearly 30 individuals, 400 boxes of food, over 20 jobs, 30 employment training workshops and assisted 5 hundred people with clothing and furniture.

Donations: We are a nonprofit organization working from donations.
PLEASE DONATE using this PayPal button,
then tell us more about yourself by filling out our form below.

Be sure to donate using the PayPal button above, before
sending this form telling us about yourself and how you would like your donation applied.
We thank you for your continued support!
*First Name: *Last Name:
*E-Mail Address:    
*Address *City
*State *Zip Code
Please apply my donation to:  

Scholarship Fund

High School Graduates

Post Graduates


Apprenticeship Training

Equipment (Boots, Gloves, Safety Equipment)

Career Quest Program

Pre-Apprenticeship Preparedness Program

Life Skills

Job Placement

Housing Assistance Classes

Job Training

Does your employer have a matching gifts program?
Yes No I'm not sure
Comments: Feel free to offer your comments below, we look forward to hearing from you.

Verify*: Verify that you are a real person by filling in this request. Please type the words RightSteps in the box